Most people think of chemistry in the kitchen as being fancy molecular gastronomy that Michelin chefs do. But there is so much amazing science that you do every time you cook and knowing about it will help you be a better cook.
When I mentored interns and volunteers as a wildlife rehabilitator and researcher, I always took mischievous joy in telling them about all the math and science concepts that they had presumed useless during school. Well now I get to try and enthuse you about how all of those same science concepts are just as important to cooking.
Here’s the thing, you don’t have to know them to be a good cook and baker. But when you do understand the science you can do so much more (and it’s cool). Check out these posts to learn a bit about the science behind everyday cooking concepts.
Science Concepts in Cooking
Gluten Bonds
Oils and Fats
Yeast and Rising Agents
Storing and Cooking Fruits and Vegetables
Storing Food